Math and Physics Grind Progress [Detailed]
I am extremely unorganized and this is much more of a hobby than anything else, so my progress is scattered and unreliable. However, I do not doubt that I have come far nor that I will go further.
- Precalculus/Algebra 2/College Algebra
Done, Source: School, ALEKS, Khan Academy
- Calculus (AP Calculus BC)
Done, Source: Khan Academy
- Linear Algebra
Done, Source: MIT 18.06, Prof. Strang
- Multivariate Calculus
Done, Source: MIT 18.02, Prof. Auroux, Stewart Calculus
- Real Analysis
Started (barely), Source: Mathematical Analysis I by Vladimir Zorich
- Abstract Algebra/Group Theory
Halfway done, Source: Visual Group Theory lectures on YT
- Real Analysis II
Source: Mathematical Analysis II by Vladimir Zorich
- Measure theory
Source: Measures, Integrals and Martingales by René L. Schilling
- Complex Analysis
Source: Complex Analysis by Gamelin
- Functional Analysis
Source: Functional Analysis by Kreyzig
- Ordinary Differential Equations
Source: Ordinary Differential Equations by Tenenbaum
- Partial Differential Equations
Source: Partial Differential Equations by Evans
- Smooth Manifolds/Topological Manifolds
Source: Manifold Trilogy, 2nd ED by John Lee
- Riemannian
Source: Riemannian Geometry by Petersen
- Noncommunative Geometry
Source: Noncommunative Geometry by Connes
- Algebraic Topology
Source: Algebraic Topology by Hatcher
- Topology
Source: Topology by Munkres
- Graduate Algebra
Source: Algebra: Chapter 0 by Aluffi
- Classical Mechanics
Done, Source: Fundementals of Physics by Halliday+Resnick
- Electromagnetism
Done, Source: Fundementals of Physics by Halliday+Resnick
- Intermediate Mechanics
Halfway done, Source: Mechanics by Taylor
- Quantum Mechanics
Started, Source: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics by Griffiths
- Electrodynamics
Source: Electrodynamics by Griffiths
- Thermal Physics
Source: Thermal Physics by Schroeter
- Graduate Electrodynamics
Source: Modern Electrodynamics by Zangwill
- Graduate Classical Mechanics
Source: Classical Mechanics by Goldstein
- Graduate Quantum Mechanics
Source: Quantum Mechanics: A Modern Development by Ballantine
- Quantum Field Theory
Source: The Standard Model and Quantum Field Theory by Schwartz
- General Relativity
Source: Spacetime and Geometry by Carroll
- Advanced QFT
Source: The Quantum Theory of Fields by Weinberg [Trilogy] (omg he went to my school)